Hope for Christmas (Adopt-a-Family)

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Hope for Christmas, Adopt-A-Family, is a Christmas tradition at St. Andrew’s. We partner with schools and contacts in the community to reach the families that they recommend. St. Andrew’s members have the opportunity to bless families with household goods, stockings, a food gift card, and gifts for the children. We also offer a Bible if the child would like to have one. Gift tags are placed on our Giving Christmas tree, and members can choose an entire family or one item from the tree. Families are offered the choice of having their gifts wrapped or being supplied with wrapping paper, tape, and bows. We then invite all the families to our “Cookies with Santa” event where the children can visit Santa and make Christmas cookies as well have the option to pick up their gifts or have them delivered. Our hope is to create lasting partnerships and offer the love of Jesus to everyone involved. For more information, please contact RuthAnn Smithrud, Local Outreach Director, at 520-297-7201, ext. 204. Thank you!