Palm Sunday Services
April 13 7:30 am
Please join us as we continue our walk through Jesus’ last week with the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday, Crucifixion on Good Friday, and then His Resurrection on Easter. All of us have friends, neighbors, family members, and coworkers who are longing for more meaning in their lives. We hope you will come be a part of Holy Week and Easter at SAPC!
Sunday, April 13, 2025
7:30 am | Communion Service
9:00 am | Contemporary Service
10:45 am | Traditional Service
Hosanna in the Highest! Join us on Palm Sunday at any one of our three regularly scheduled services and celebrate Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Children are invited to enter with the waving of palms (line up prior to the 9:00 am service in the hallway outside of the Sanctuary).
Thursday, April 17, 2025
7:00 pm | In-Person & Online
This Maundy Thursday, celebrate the Last Supper with us. Worship with us as we remember the day in which Jesus broke bread, prayed in the Garden, and yielded to His unjust arrest.This Traditional Service will be led by our Chancel Choir and Orchestra In-Person and Online.
Join us in celebrating the Risen Christ!
6:00 am | Sunrise Service | Learn more
7:30 am | Communion Service | Learn more
9:00 am* | Contemporary Service | Learn more
10:45 am* | Traditional Service | Learn more
*available online
Easter is almost here and we’re excited to have you at SAPC. Here are some helpful details to some of the questions we get a lot from newcomers:
Dress however you feel comfortable. You’ll see all kinds of people here wearing all types of clothing styles.
We will have Children’s Sunday School and Childcare/Nursery at our normal times on Easter Sunday – 9:00 am Service (following the Children’s Message) and 10:45 Service (Nursery only). Contact Heather at hbrannock@sapctucson.org for questions.
Childcare is available for our Maundy Thursday and Good Friday Services. You may use the request form HERE for your childcare reservations. Please help us so that we are sure to have adequate staff for these special services.
As always, children are also welcome to sit with their families at any service. Kid activity clipboards are available in the back of the Sanctuary. There is also a Family Room available in the back for littles who need to wiggle or be rocked while parents can still watch and listen to the service.
If you are attending the 7:30 am service it is best to park on the north campus (near the Chapel) in the north parking lot or in the parking lot along Paseo del Norte. There are handicap spaces available in the north parking lot if you need them.
If you are attending the 9:00 or 10:45 am services it is best to park on the south campus (next to the Sanctuary) in the west parking lot. There are a few visitor spaces on the north side of the Sanctuary, and several handicap spaces on the west side of the Sanctuary.
Overflow parking is also available across the street at Harelson Elementary.
Following all of our services, coffee and pastries will be provided. Please stay awhile and meet someone knew or say hi to an old friend. We hope we can all spend some time together as we celebrate!
If you would like to place a blooming plant in one of our Easter Worship services, in honor or in memory of a loved one, you can sign up by clicking below or contacting the Church Office. The cost will be $25.