1Mission Rocky Point Mission Trip

October 5 - 8 2024

St. Andrew’s has partnered with 1Mission for the last 12 years.  1Mission describes their organization as “a community development organization giving people in poverty the opportunity to earn a house by serving their community.”  “Since 2008, 1,106 families have earned a house by serving 338,273 hours in a variety of locally-led initiatives.” In addition to building homes, 1Mission is very focused on community development.  This includes planting a church and a classroom building in the neighborhood where many of the new homes have been built.  This will offer local residents the opportunity to both worship and learn new skills from others.  The combination of all these efforts is creating a more robust, healthier, and interconnected self-sufficient community.  We are proud that St. Andrew’s has supported the work of 1Mission both financially and with our members’ time and talents for the last 19 years.

In October, we will again be partnering with Pantano Christian Church and sending a group to Rocky Point to help build a home.  No prior construction experience is needed.  There is also the “Los Ninos” program, which is similar to Vacation Bible School and the kitchen crew which prepares food for everyone working on the homes and Los Ninos.  If you are interested in helping on any of these teams and seeing firsthand how 1Mission is working in Rocky Point, please join us.  The trip will be Saturday, October 5, through Tuesday, October 8.  Cost is $230 Individual, $600 Family. Registration opens June 2 and closes August 11 and is limited to 225 people.  More information and online application can be found below. Please contact Kevin Oxnam if you have any questions at 520-471-3811 or kevinoxnam@gmail.com.