MOMS Group Fall Launch

September 12 9:00 am  |  St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church SW Campus

We invite Moms to join us as we begin a new semester of learning and sharing life experiences together. Beginning on September 12, we meet on Thursday mornings from 9:00 am to 11:30 am in Room F and follow the Amphitheater district calendar.

Our mornings consist of a time of large group fellowship and snacks followed by a group devotional or video. We then break into a couple of smaller groups to discuss our lesson. Moms Group is a place we can learn and grow together. We pray for each other and our represented families. We will announce the curriculum at our first meeting!

*Childcare is provided by SAPC. Please be sure to RSVP in advance at or through the QR code below! Make sure your child comes with everything they need for a fun morning in the nursery! Diapers, wipes, a change of clothes and a water cup. Labeling their things is especially helpful! Children must be promptly collected at 11:25 am.