Serve Our Schools Adopt Me Shoe Drive
June 1 - July 1 2024
Serve Our Schools – Adopt ME!
Serve Our Schools is July 28! To kick this off, we are collecting shoes for the Amphi Clothing Bank during the month of June! The Amphi Clothing Bank supplies clothing, shoes, socks, and underwear for children living in the Amphitheater School District. Last year, the Amphi Clothing Bank was able to give away 700 pairs of shoes for children in need in the district. Our theme is “Adopt ME!” Think of the age of the child you would like to make sure has a new pair of shoes, and then go shopping for that pair of shoes! Since I have two sons of my own, I like to shop for shoes for boys and purchase two pairs in honor of them. If you don’t like to shop, you can donate to St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church and write Service Worship shoe drive in the memo space. Sign up for sizes below or RuthAnn, Local Outreach Director, will be in the Gathering Place on the weekends of June for in person shoe sign-ups. (The sign up will help us identify the sizes purchased and sizes still needed.)
We will need boys/girls shoes sizes preschool through size 12 for high school! Let our offering be pleasing to the Lord! Thank you for loving our neighbors as ourselves!
Questions? Please contact RuthAnn Smithrud at