History of SAPC

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (SAPC) was founded in 1959 in response to the need to serve the growing community of northwest Tucson. Newton H. White III was the first pastor, having recently worked to establish nearby Northminster Presbyterian Church.

For the first couple of years, until the first Sanctuary was built in 1963, the small congregation met first at the pastor’s house, and later at Harelson Elementary School. Pastor White retired for health reasons in 1963.
For the first couple of years, until the first Sanctuary was built in 1963, the small congregation met first at the pastor’s house, and later at Harelson Elementary School. Pastor White retired for health reasons in 1963.
Richard Harris became SAPC’s second pastor in the summer of 1963. In the 1960s, the church campus expanded with the addition of White Hall in 1966, which included space for Sunday School classes and other church activities.
1970s – 1980s
Robert Dulaney began as pastor in 1971 and the church continued to expand with a building addition at the rear of the Sanctuary. In the 1970s, SAPC called an associate pastor to serve the growing pastoral needs of the congregation and created the Preschool & Kindergarten.
The 1980s saw a growing membership, and expansion to accommodate administrative offices, fellowship, and the Preschool & Kindergarten. With the support of the congregation, SAPC expanded its service to the community by helping to found a nonprofit organization, which is still in operation and known today as Interfaith Community Services (ICS).
Joe Bettridge was called as pastor in 1990. A new worship service with contemporary music began in 1994, meeting in the Fellowship Hall. In 1995, SAPC purchased a facility from another church, diagonally across the street, and the Contemporary Service began meeting there.

SAPC continued to expand and outgrow its capacity (peaking at around 1600 Members in 1999) even with offering three Sunday morning services. In 2000, the church approved the exploration of a new building design on the site of the recently acquired property. Construction of the new Sanctuary was completed in 2005 and dedicated in February 2006.
The church welcomed its next pastor, Jim Toole, in September 2009. Pastor Jim led SAPC into increased partnerships with other local churches, ministries and community organizations. In 2013, Service Worship was introduced, a practice where once-per-quarter typical worship services are suspended for that day so that the congregation may participate in specific service projects to benefit the community by worshiping through service. Service projects include options for all abilities and ages and are intended to ground the congregation in serving the community.
Mat Grover began service as the Director of Youth Discipleship Ministry in 2010, and SAPC supported his theological education and ordination process. In 2015, Mat was ordained to serve as Associate Pastor.
In March of 2019, SAPC launched a new nonprofit organization, Faith that Works Tucson. This organization grew out of SAPC’s desire to connect Tucson faith communities and organizations in common work together serving local schools and meeting needs in the city.

In September of 2020, Pastor Jim was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer which was resistant to treatment. Jim Toole passed away on April 23, 2021, followed nine months later by the passing of his wife, Pati, from cancer as well. Pastor Mat served as Acting Head of Staff from the time of Jim’s diagnosis and consequential medical leave until an Interim Pastor was selected by the Session. In July 2021, Pastor Pete Seiferth was hired as Interim Pastor/Head of Staff, having previously served Tucson’s Northminster Presbyterian Church.
On March 26, 2023, the congregation elected a Pastor Nominating Committee, who will lead the search for the next installed pastor of SAPC. For more details, see Pastoral Leadership Transition.

On Sunday, January 28, 2024, a Congregational Meeting was called for the purpose of Approving the Terms of Call for Rev. Dr. John Tittle as Pastor/Head of Staff. On March 17, 2024, Pastor John Tittle began his first Sunday as the current Pastor/Head of Staff at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church.