Pastor Pete is passionate about inspiring people take the next step in their journey of faith so that they can clearly find their place in the community, identify God’s plan and purpose for life, and use their gifts for ministry and mission. Pete spent his childhood in his birthplace of Buffalo, NY, before moving to Arizona as a middle schooler. He is a graduate of the University of Arizona (B.A. 1997 Anthropology and Religious Studies), Austin Theological Seminary (M.Div. 2001), and Fuller Theological Seminary (D.Min. 2013). Prior to coming to St. Andrew’s, Pete served Northminster Presbyterian Church in Tucson for sixteen and a half years as Associate Pastor. Pete is married to Lori, and their two sons are Caden and Brennon. Austin and Oliver, the Labradoodles, bring the family constant joy. Pete’s hobbies and likes: exercise, playing guitar, photography, reading, travel, family research, drinking boba tea, tinkering in the garage, and the Buffalo Bills. Pete serves the presbytery on the Commission on Ministry, and on the boards of two Christian non-profit organizations that serve the Tucson community: Tucson Refugee Ministry (Board President) and Renewal (Counseling) Centers.

Count It All Joy | Luke 13:18-21(Traditional)
January 21, 2024