“It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
- Jesus (Acts 20:35)
Can You Imagine...
Can you imagine the potential of God’s people when we trust Him fully with all of our resources? Nothing can stop the mighty force of God’s church, fully surrendered to Him and His will. Whether you’re committing to tithing consistently for the first time, or you’re going above and beyond in your giving to SAPC, we trust that God will provide for His church.
Letter from Pastor John
Dear St. Andrew’s Family,
One of the great joys of life is giving. I like how Winston Churchill put it: “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” God, the giver of all good gifts, designed us to give. Giving is good for the body, mind, and soul. Medical and psychological studies affirm this: giving improves our health, increases our lifespan, and reduces stress and anxiety. Something life-giving happens when we give because it gets us out of ourselves and blesses others. This is the sweet spot for a meaningful life.
I’m excited about all that God is doing here at SAPC. We are blessed to welcome fifteen new members this fall to our family of faith! There’s a joy and energy in this place that’s palpable and growing. In the coming weeks of our Live to Give series, we’ll be hearing testimonies about how giving has transformed lives and how Scripture teaches that giving is an act of worship, an expression of faith, and a spiritual discipline. We’ll have opportunities to pray for the ministry and mission of Christ at St. Andrew’s with a prayer vigil.
Would you prayerfully consider what God is leading you to give in the coming year? Let’s build on what God is doing and strengthen our “giving muscles” together by bringing to church your completed 2025 Live to Give Pledge Card on Stewardship Dedication Sunday, November 17, 2024.
Your estimate of giving helps the church in our budget planning for the coming year. There are at least three impacts that your giving makes. First, giving back to God deepens and enlivens your faith. Second, it blesses the church. Truly, giving is the lifeblood of the church. We can’t do what we do without your help. Third, generous giving empowers mission beyond our four walls to our community and world. Jesus is inviting us to give what we have so that He might multiply it for God’s glory and to nourish the world with the bread of life. Your faithful and generous giving of time, talent, and treasure can make this a reality!
With Gratitude,
Pastor John and the T3 Committee
2025 Pledge
Live to Give! Please take time to prayerfully consider how you might be a blessing and give of your time, talents, and treasures in 2025.
Time and Talents
Giving back to God deepens and enlivens your faith. Giving blesses the church. Truly, giving is the lifeblood of the church. We can’t do what we do without your help. Generous giving empowers mission beyond our four walls to our community and world. Jesus is inviting us to give what we have so that He might multiply it for God’s glory and to nourish the world with the bread of life. Your faithful and generous giving of time, talent, and treasure can make this a reality!
Where Your Giving Goes
These are just a few examples of how your generosity impacts both our congregation and local community throughout the year! Thank you for helping us love God and love people!

Prayer Vigil
We invite you to participate in our Prayer Vigil to pray for the ministry and mission of Christ at SAPC on November 15 and 16. Sign up to pray in the Chapel or from home.
Live to Give Guide
- Go to God in prayer
- Thank Him for all the blessings He has bestowed upon you
- Consider all the promises that come with stewardship, giving praise
- Request God’s guidance and discernment
Attend the 24-Hour Prayer Vigil
Sign up for in-person prayer in the Chapel or pray from your own home. Prayer prompts will be made available.
Chapel Available for In Person Prayer
Friday, November 15, 2:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Saturday, November 16, 7:30 am – 2:30 pm
Sign up online for Prayer at home
Friday, November 15, 2:30 pm
Through Saturday, November 16, 2:30 pm
Determine your current giving as a percentage of your disposable income.
My/Our Giving Potential
Can you imagine the potential of God’s people when we trust Him fully with all our resources? Nothing can stop the mighty force of God’s Church, fully surrendered to Him and His will. As you pray and discern how God would ask you to give during this time, use this simple chart to reference how easy it could be to watch your giving multiply in huge ways.
Commit to increasing your giving for 2025 by one to three percent of your disposable income. Ask yourself the question, “How much might I give in offerings that represent a cheerful sacrifice for God?” If our giving is not a sacrifice, then maybe we are not giving enough. If we are not giving cheerfully, then maybe we are giving too much. “It is more blessed to give than receive.” Acts 20:35
Consider the ways you can give and select the option that is best for both you and St. Andrew’s.
Fill out your 2025 estimated giving card and return it in worship on November 17. As a congregation, we will express our gratitude to God and present our cards, representing our commitment to God’s ministry through our church.
2025 Pledge
Live to Give! Please take time to prayerfully consider how you might be a blessing and give of your time, talents, and treasures in 2025.